Monday, November 3, 2008

Christmas is coming early for Maggie...

At least I hope it does. If I had my wish, it would. Maybe if I bother Daddy enough, it will. What am I getting for Christmas that I want so bad? A Fence! That is right! I am SO excited!

Daddy sold his car on Friday. It was an unexpected, but needed, surprise. He has been trying to sell it for about 4 months. Uncle Shane is the manager at the Napa Store in Pell City and Daddy's car has been parked at his store for about 2 months. We were so excited on Friday when Uncle Shane called and asked if Daddy wanted to sell the car today. Daddy and Papaw took off to Pell City. Mommy said that the kitchen ceiling was not a priority at the moment - selling the car was. But that is why Daddy and Papaw missed the trick or treating on Friday -- looking at the ceiling. By the way - Mommy still has a hole in her ceiling. We try not to look at it.

But I get my fence and Noah gets his bedroom because of Daddy's car. Daddy, GrandDanny and Papaw are going to build Noah a room off of mine, Daddy's and Mommy's bedroom. (notice I included "mine"... after all, it is my room too. I sleep in the king sized bed!) Daddy says that Noah's room needs to come first, but I beg to differ. So I keep bugging Mommy and Daddy by going in and out, in and out, in and out. I do not know if it will work or not, but I should get an A for effort. We will see!

Today is Mommy's first day for officially working from home. We are enjoying it so much. (I keep bugging Mommy too - in and out, in and out!) The time change has thrown me off a little. My night walk was a hour off last night, I went to bed at 9:30 (which was actually 10:30) and I woke up at 6:45 this morning (which was actually 7:45.) My goodness. Did you notice that it got dark really early last night?

But today is a beautiful day outside. Daddy and Papaw are at a photo shoot this morning. I don't know if they will post images on their blog because it is bridal portraits. If they do, I will let you know.

Happy Monday to you!


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