Sunday, October 11, 2009

I really am ok...

even though I have not posted in so long. You would not believe all that has been going on. I do not even know where to start. WOW!!

I guess that I will start with the fact that Bubbles & Bells did close. It was a very tough time for my Mommy, but she is strong and pulled through. She still has some aspects of it hanging over her, but hopefully soon it will all be behind her. She and Daddy, along with Nina and Papaw are working on some new business endeavors that will hopefully give some exciting opportunities for them, and for me. I can't elaborate too much yet, but I will as soon as I am given the ok!

The WHOLE family headed off for vacation, but they did not take me with them. I was very worried at first, but I had a good time without them. (Don't tell them that I said that!) Mommy, Daddy, Noah, Nina, Papaw, Momma Gena, GrandDanny, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Paul and Jake all headed off for Disney World on September 26th. They drove for 9+ hours to Orlando, Florida just to see a Mouse! I could have found one here for them, but NN-OO!! Alex came and stayed with me while they were gone. We had a really good time that week. I was in 10th grade that week and had to study for lots of tests. After school, Alex and I spent the afternoons studying and catching up on the day's sports.

I guess I could give you a Noah update!! He is crawling! He is all into my dog food. Mommy and Daddy keep putting my bowls on the kitchen table to keep him from getting into them. Now, they know that I am not allowed on the table, cause they tell me that, but then they go and put my food and water on there. Isn't that double standards? No, I have not jumped on the table, but let me tell you, the temptation is there. Noah and I keep getting eye to eye now. We are officially on the same level. Mommy says that he is about to be real fun for me. He is now eating some snacks, which he passes some on to me. I did not really realize what an asset he would be for me. He is finally paying off! HAHA!

A party at my house... Mommy's best friend, Jen (Lady and Charlie's Mommy) is having a baby in a couple of months and Mommy decided to have a party for her at our house. This means that we had 4 days of house cleaning (YUCK!) and my babies and bedroom were moved out of the house. I was very worried at first and did not understand what was happening. I really thought that I was getting shafted! Every time Mommy has a party at our house, I get the boot. Daddy always gets the boot to, so it is usually not too bad. Noah also got the boot. So the 3 of us loaded up and headed off to GrandDanny's house. Mommy made breakfast for us, so it was ok. And yes, I said "us"... I got some biscuit too!!

Well, that about sums up the last 3 weeks all together. I have a couple of other stories that I am going to post about because they deserve their own posts. But they are above this post, so by the time you are reading this, you have already read them. Oh well!! Do I at least get an A for effort? Or would that be an E for effort??

And that's just the dog's life!


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