Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am SO Mad at my Mommy....


Apparently she and Mrs. Jen felt the need to play with other animals. I thought I was the only animal in the world (besides Bear, of course!!) But my Mommy came home smelling like the long eared sad face above!
Mommy and Mrs. Jen met in Hoover for lunch today. After lunch, they decided to go into the Wags to Riches Pet store. They played with the long eared girl. Mommy said that she was only thinking of Momma Gena. IS SHE NUTS! I am the only girl in Momma Gena's life! (Hence Jake and Noah ... I AM the Granddaughter!) Mommy knows that Momma Gena is weak when it comes to basset hounds. Freckles was in our life, but left us almost 2 years ago. I liked Freckles. We got along well. She did not play too much with me, but I do not play as much as I used to. All Freckles wanted to do was lay around and be lazy. Now I know why she did... Life is Great!
Mommy assured me that the sad faced basset hound puppy would not be joining our family. She really wanted the pig though. She told Daddy that she would name him "GRUNTS". (Apparently that was all that he did.) She actually said that she would name him "Sir Grunts Alot" but call him Grunts. Then Daddy said that we would be sure to win the costume contest next year (since we lost to a turtle.) Was my Daddy saying that I am not cute enough to win??
So I am not talking to my Mommy this afternoon! (Apparently I do not need to talk to my Daddy either!)
I went to vote today! Daddy let me ride with him. I actually did not get to do the voting... I sat and watched the many people walking in. It is not like I get to express my opinions. No one would listen to me anyway.
Today is Aunt Dorinda's birthday! Want me to tell you how old she is?? :-) I better not! I love my Aunt Dorinda. She is so good to me. I think the family will be going out for dinner... that means time in my bedroom again!
Oh Well - that's just a dog's life!

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