Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Crazy Week

I am so sorry that it has been a week since I have gotten to update my blog. Mommy and Daddy have been extremely busy.

My GrandDanny had surgery yesterday, so life has been turned upside down. Let me go back to my weekend first...

So we pulled the Crimson Tide through on another win. I thought it was going to be a tough game. Daddy cooked potato soup, so Momma Gena, GrandDanny, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Paul and Jake came over. Sunday was a restful day for me. I had my usual Sunday morning "church service" in my bedroom while Mommy and Daddy went to their church. Mommy and I spent the afternoon resting while Daddy had to go to a basketball meeting. I could not sleep very well because flies kept landing on me! Daddy kept the back door open all day on Saturday and flies invaded my house! I found myself in my bedroom again Sunday night while Mommy and Daddy went back to church for the annual fall fun fest. They did treat me on a nice brisk walk around the neighborhood when they got home.

Again, Monday was a restful day. Mommy had appointments and Daddy was at The Point. Monday night was early to bed because of GrandDanny's surgery.

Tuesday morning was an early morning. I found myself back in my bedroom, but Papaw saved me from it around 10 am. Mommy put me in charge of Bubbles & Bells. (That consisted of me sleeping and Mrs. Robin working! Do I know how to manage or what??) I spent the night with Nina and Papaw. Papaw took me to Grandma's house for dinner. I was outside, minding my own business, when 4 deer ran across the yard and through the horse field. Nina told me to go inside and get Papaw. Guess what, I went inside and got Papaw. Nina did not even have time to unhook my rope from my collar. I went straight to Papaw and told him where we were going.

He took me out, as I requested. I drug him to where my nose told me the deer were. Papaw had to get down real low to go under the electric fence. I got so excited about the deer that I pulled Papaw on his tummy under the fence. Nina said it was really funny. (Sorry, Papaw!) My nose gets to excited for all of the wonderful things that I smell at Grandma's house.

GrandDanny is doing much better today. Momma Gena called and said so. I am so glad... can not wait for GrandDanny to fully recover so that we can go on more walks. (Did I tell you about my walk with GrandDanny and I got scared by the ghosts? I will save that for next time!) Feel better GrandDanny! I love you!


ps - Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy! (They have been married for 3 years and they have had me for 2 1/2 years!)

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